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Assemblywoman defends her pro-gun Christmas pic

A Nevada politician is getting national attention for a family photo. 
Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore and her family are all armed with guns in their Christmas photo. 
The picture is part of Fiores "2nd Amendment Calendar", which features her holding a gun on every page. 
"Firearms are going to be America's last defense against terrorism," she said.
Fiore says the point of the calendar is to begin a trend to portray gun ownership as a good thing.
The gun control debate intensifies with every mass shooting, with San Bernardino being the latest, and criticism is swirling around Fiore and her Christmas photo.
In it, her young grandson is holding a handgun. 
"I can guarantee you that five-year-old knows more about gun safety than most adults," Fiore said.
While she says Nevada still has a ways to go with its gun laws, Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval is proud of what he calls the aggressive legislation he's signed. 
"We restricted the ability of people who have been convicted of domestic violence crimes and decreased their ability to get those firearms," Sandoval said. 
This weekend, California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown said Nevada's gun laws were a "gigantic back door" for terrorists to walk through. 
Sandoval says he couldn't disagree more. 
He wants to focus on security, especially for New Year's Eve in Las Vegas.