LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Days after the governor allowed restaurants to reopen, Other Mama remains empty.
"We're running kind of a step behind what the government's doing just because we're a small restaurant, we don't have a lot of elbow room already. That's kind our concept is to be kind of squeezed in with your neighbor so we need to figure out what that is and we want to give things time," said Dan Krohmer, owner of the restaurant.
The restaurant is not so much empty, but a blank canvas - ready to be redefined for the times. Krohmer said the restaurant will reopen Friday for curbside pickup - with expanded hours from noon until 8pm.
"That's also because we're also going to be selling retail sea food as well. We're not turning into a full blown sushi or fish market. We're going to be selling sashimi and sushi grade fish to take home that's already ready to go and ready to use," he said.
Krohmer said his focus right now is the product and a lot of that has to do with sourcing and relationships with suppliers. He's also spent the past two months working with farmers near Tecopa, NV, ensuring when Other Mama is back, they'll be back with a new distinction.
"We're going to be the first seed to table restaurant in Las Vegas, ever," said Krohmer.
Nearly all produce used in the restaurant will be grown locally.
Across town in Henderson, another restaurant with a loyal customer base, The Pasta Shop Ristorante, reopened their dining room Saturday.
"We from the day everything shut down continued to do curbside pickup for pasta and takeout," said Ann Alenik, owner of the family-owned restaurant.
Alenik said while the restaurant hovered around 50 percent of its normal profit the last two months, the past weekend was record breaking.
"The phone did not stop ringing for people to come in and for to gos and we were at max capacity for both," said Alenik.
Alenik said it's the loyal customers that have kept the doors open for more than 30 years. Though times are strange, now is no different.