13 InvestigatesBattle Over Badlands


Additional awards topping $78 million issued in Badlands case

If Las Vegas continues to fight after losing court battles, it could cost taxpayers more than $21,000 in interest per day
and last updated

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Additional awards were issued Thursday regarding the 17-acre Badlands case.

The total award of more than $78 million breaks down as follows:

Property Value$47,990,000
Interest through Aug. 2$29,973,583
Property Taxes$335,684
Costs and Fees$132,947

Those numbers are from EHB Companies in Las Vegas.

"Just a point of interest,  if the City chooses to appeal this case, the interest will continue to accrue at prime + 2% which currently equals $21,121.53 per day for the entirety of the appeal," EHB Companies stated in a news release. "The 35-acre case appeal which they ultimately lost took 2 years."

Channel 13 has been covering this case for the community for years. Below is some of our coverage of the Badlands story.


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