Two young men getting positive attention for a good deed remained nameless until 13 Action News viewers stepped in.
Chris Gomez, a freshman in high school, says he thought it was crazy when he found out people were looking for him.
Gomez and his friend, Daniel Alvarado, a high school junior, were photographed by a stranger hanging outside a 7-11 Saturday near Bonanza and Nellis.
The woman posted the picture on Facebook with a caption describing how the boys placed a water bottle next to a sleeping homeless man.
Hundreds of likes poured in.
"I was just scrolling through my Facebook and I saw a picture of him," said Claudia Franco, Gomez's mother. "At first, I thought he was in trouble. I was like, 'Oh my God, what did my son do?'"
Gomez says if he was in the same position as the homeless man, he'd like if it someone helped him.
Neither of the boys expected credit for what they did.
Gomez reluctantly conceded in typical teenage fashion that perhaps his mother deserves some kudos for how she raised him.
Franco said she was proud of the boys.
"They are teenagers so you don't know what to expect from them," she said.
Franco says a few years ago she bought food for a homeless man, and it made an impression on Gomez.