Morning Blend


The Charles F. Kettering Foundation/Gallup | 1/28/25


Democracy is at the heart of the American experience, yet many citizens are expressing growing dissatisfaction with how it functions today.

To address this pressing issue, the Kettering Foundation and Gallup have teamed up to launch the "Democracy for All" project.

This initiative delves into how Americans perceive and interact with democracy, fostering deeper insights and meaningful conversations about the future of civic life.

Brad Rourke, Chief External Affairs Officer at the Kettering Foundation, and Dr. Ellyn Maese, Gallup’s Research Director, are at the forefront of this transformative effort.

Their expertise is shaping an innovative study designed to engage people across the nation.

Together, they aim to uncover actionable strategies to strengthen democratic trust and participation, making democracy truly work for all.

This segment is paid for by The Charles F. Kettering Foundation/Gallup