MarketplaceMust Love Pets


Springtime plants, candy may be harmful to pets


Spring has arrived and some of the plants you have in your garden could make your pet sick.

It's the puppies and kittens you really have to worry about.

"I just watch him all the time, you know I'm just aware," said Jeanette Crown, a pet owner.

We know young animals get into just about everything. The ASPCA says springtime brings potential dangers: lilies, daisies, and tulips can all cause harm.

There's good news if you have an older dog.

"Normally they'll just taste them and they'll immediately you know say, 'eh that's no good I don't want that anymore,'" said Paul Noe, the staff horticulturist at Star Nursery.

You have to worry about more than just plants come early spring – it's also that Easter candy.

The West Flamingo Animal Hospital told 13 Action News they see a rise in pets eating chocolate.

The best advice is to keep chocolate out of reach and toxic plants fenced off.