13 InvestigatesSeaQuest


Animal advocates share roach video, call on Boulevard Mall not to renew SeaQuest's lease

SeaQuest cockroaches

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Animal advocates are continuing to voice concerns about SeaQuest's Las Vegas location, which is in the Boulevard Mall.

On Monday, the Humane Society of the United States sent a letter to Boulevard Ventures, which operates the mall, asking them not to renew their lease agreement with SeaQuest.

"We're putting malls who lease to SeaQuest on notice," said Laura Hagen, Director of Captive Wildlife at the Humane Society of the United States. "They're not just opening their buildings to animal cruelty; roaches, maggots and other pests usually come with the package too."

You can read the full letter below.

Back in November, we told you about an HSUS undercover investigation at the Las Vegas and Fort Worth, Texas, locations this summer. That investigation revealed animal neglect, dangerous human-animal interactions and filthy conditions including cockroach infestations.

WATCH: Animal advocates share roach video, concerned about conditions at SeaQuest

Animal advocates: Roach video one of many reasons SeaQuest should close

Last week, we also told you that SeaQuest has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

The move comes in the wake of a nearly six-year-long investigation by 13 Investigates of the interactive aquarium.

While SeaQuest has been collecting money from local families for entry fees, animal encounters, and annual passes, it has not been paying its bills.

Federal records in the just-filed bankruptcy case show SeaQuest owes the Boulevard Mall $545,432.48 in unpaid rent. That's just one of many creditors, according to court records. Those records also showed that Seaquest Holdings, LLC reported less than $1 million in assets but over $10 million in liabilities.

SeaQuest did not respond to our request for comment about the bankruptcy, the money they owe here in Las Vegas, or whether they intend to stay open.

SeaQuest's exotic animal permit with Clark County expires in April, but they will have the option to renew it.

13 Investigates reached out to the Boulevard Mall to see whether they plan to renew SeaQuest's lease, but mall management did not respond.

According to federal court records, a hearing on the bankruptcy case is scheduled for Dec. 20.

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