13 Investigates


Ethics hearing on alleged Lombardo campaign violations delayed again

Accusations include using badge, uniform to gain unfair advantage
NV Ethics Commission Lombardo pic
and last updated

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Gov. Joe Lombardo is facing a possible $1.7 million ethics penalty and censure for using his sheriff's badge and uniform in his gubernatorial campaign. The matter was set for a hearing on Tuesday but a last-minute delay will push it until next month.

Lombardo is accused of multiple violations of state law. He's facing the largest fine ever issued by the Nevada Commission on Ethics and he's fighting it tooth and nail.

The first delay in this case came in April after Lombardo said the demands of the legislative session would prevent him from helping his lawyers. The latest delay comes after Lombardo expressed concerns that not all of the ethics commissioners would be able to attend the hearing in-person.

At issue are images of then-sheriff Lombardo wearing his badge and uniform in campaign photos and on social media ahead of his election in 2022. State law prohibits public officers from using their positions to get unwarranted preferences or advantages.

The Nevada Commission on Ethics recommended the $1.7 million fine and potential censure based on 68 violations of ethics laws that the commission director calls 'willful' and 'serious.'

In legal responses to the Ethics Commission complaint, Lombardo's attorneys called the proposed penalty "eye-watering" saying it's like "using a sledgehammer to swat a fly."

They argued that no state law says a sheriff can't wear his uniform and badge in campaign materials.

Though the Ethics Commission approved the requested delay, it indicated that no more would be granted.

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