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Teacher remembers 9 year old killed by dad

Posted 3:10 AM, Jul 01, 2016
and last updated 12:44 PM, Jul 01, 2016
13 Action News is digging deeper after a family of five was killed in an apparent murder-suicide.
The Clark County coroner's office identified the youngest victim as 9-year-old Anhurak Jason Dej-Oudom.  
Dej-Oudom last attended Culley Elementary School, according to the Clark County School District.
"We called him AJ," said AJ's former teacher. "He was very smart, kind, and respectful."
Police said Dej-Oudom's father killed his wife and three children before turning a gun on himself.
"I've been crying all day," said the teacher. "He was always sweet and kind to others."
We are told that AJ excelled in school.
"He loved math, he was one of my top performing students," she said.
AJ had not attended the school for several months.
"He withdrew to do home school in January," said his teacher.
13 Action News is continuing to gather information about the innocent victims in this family tragedy.