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Hollywood Boulevard on far east side will be redone but how?


Clark County has plans to overhaul Hollywood Boulevard in the near future but the new format of the road is to be determined.

Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani tells 13 Action News the road is a mess and needs to be completely redone.

“It’s not just a simple resurfacing,” said Commissioner Giunchigliani. “It’s grinding and milling and taking off the old stuff and putting new stuff down.”

Commissioner Giunchigliani says this is necessary due to everyone that uses the road. It is used residentially, for trucks, for busses, and to haul dirt from major road projects.

At a meeting last week, county officials discussed a possible plan to overhaul the road. It included making the entire stretch two lanes in both directions, with a bike lane on each side, and wide sidewalks.

“Just about everyone in the room was like Nope! No! Do one lane! With a median!” said Commissioner Giunchigliani.

She was shocked by that response.

“We were surprised, I mean very surprised,” she said. “Public Works and I kind of just looked at each other and went, where did that come from?”

Commissioner Giunchigliani had no idea so many people would be interested in making Hollywood Boulevard one lane in each direction, but now that is something the county will look into.

“So now we are going to go back to the drawing board but not undo anything,” she said. “We’re just going to see if we can come up with two designs to show people so they know what they’re talking about.”

Commissioner Giunchigliani hopes a meeting will be held when the plans are finished to let the community know what they’ve come up with.

She also wants the public to know they are in need of traffic and civil engineers. Send an email to ccdiste@ClarkCountyNV.gov if you are interested or know someone who might be.